Recipe: Raw Granola Recipe


Raw Granola Recipe

This is my favourite granola to make – when finished its crunchy goodness is difficult to tell apart from bought version and none knows it’s raw and so full of easy to digest enzymes. For this one thing its worth owning a dehydrator (the best is the 5 tier Excalibur dehydrator). I usually triple this recipe!!!

1½ cups soaked almonds
½ cup soaked sunflower seeds
½ cup sprouted whole buckwheat
5 cups grated apple, (about 7 small apples), any kind
½ cup puréed dates (about 7 large dates) soaked for about 15 minutes
½ cup dried cranberries (or other dried fruit)
½ cup dry coconut flakes
½ cup agave nectar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons cinnamon
⅓ teaspoon fine sea-salt

How to make the Granola:
Rinse and drain the seeds. Place in food processor and quickly chop to reduce size of seeds only. Place mixture into large bowl. Grate apples, add to nut mixture. Puree dates in food process with the “S” blade attachment, if the dates are soaked for a short time (not too much or they’ll be too soggy) it helps this process, if you forgot to soak the dates, add a little apple while puréeing, it will help. Add all the ingredients to the nut mixture and stir.
Prepare your dehydrator trays with Paraflexx sheets. Place the mixture on each sheet, use your hands or a spreader to spread approx 3/8 inch thick. The mixture is moist, but that’s a good thing, in the end it is wonderful and chewy. If you like it crunchy, use less apple. Dehydrate at 145 for 1 hour and then reduce temperature to 115 until done. When your granola is dry enough to peel off the Paraflexx sheets, do so and place onto the grid sheets. Continue to dehydrate until dry.


How to sprout the Buckwheat:
Put buckwheat groats into a bowl and cover it with 2-3 times as much warm water. Mix the seeds up so that none are floating. Allow the seeds to soak for about an 1hr. You need to give them plenty of time to soak, but also remember that buckwheat groats can take in too much water which will keep them from sprouting.
Drain the water in a colander and let them stand, rinsing 3 times per day with cool water for 2 days. You will notice a gloopy substance on the buckwheat, which is starch. Make sure that you wash this off thoroughly.
If you can’t be bother to sprout them – I sell already sprouted buckwheat.

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