Enjoy a healthy sweet treat fix with superfoods


A healthy diet needn’t mean the end of desserts and the odd treat. Remember, everything should be enjoyed in moderation! It is also perfectly possible to maximise the nutritional value of your favourite sweet items by making a few careful swaps and by incorporating nutrient-dense superfood sweet treats into your diet. These can supercharge your health and give you fantastic energy, health benefits and an overall zest for life.

A soothing smoothie 

If you are craving chocolate, it could be a sign that you are deficient in magnesium. Luckily, you can find this in avocado and banana, both of which make a great smoothie. Whizz them up with a handful of berries and you’ve got a delicious, reviving smoothie that is thick and nourishing


Chia pudding

Protein-packed chia seeds are one of the hot ingredients at the moment. They make a great breakfast pudding if you soak a couple of tablespoons in a pint of nut milk of your choice. By morning, they will have created a set pudding, which is wonderful with nuts and fresh fruit. Why not sprinkle a little maca powder on top for energy and vitamins galore?

                                                                                   Cacao wonder 

Pure and unprocessed cacao is packed with nutrients, including the vitamin spectrum, iron and fibre. You can use it instead of processed cocoa to make all manner of treats. Stir a spoon of raw cacao into coconut or almond milk for a soothing evening drink and sweeten with a little honey and cinnamon. Mix up cacao powder with avocado and raw manuka honey for a rich and indulgent pudding – and make little cacao bites by blending cacao powder, dates, nuts and almond butter. Serve them raw to maximise taste and nutrient profile.


You can even use spirulina in superfood sweet treats! Try adding it to a green juice with spinach, banana, kiwi and lime – or add a little to a raw nut ball recipe with nuts, dates, manuka honey and chia seeds for a powerful protein and vitamin-packed health punch!

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