All You Need To Know About Goji Berries!

There’s a new year on the horizon, the perfect time to look inward and see if there are any positive changes you could make that could make a real difference. Many resolutions made at this time of year have to do with health and if that sounds like a familiar story, you might want to think about incorporating the humble goji berry into your diet more and more.

The more research you do into this particular berry, however, the more you’ll realise that it’s not so humble after all. These pretty little berries are full of all sorts of vitamins and minerals, so they’re a brilliant option for the health-conscious among you, giving you lots of vitamins A and C, zinc, iron, fibre and antioxidants.

It’s thought they contain 18 amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen!), more betacarotene than carrots, more iron than spinach and an impressive 21 trace minerals… which sounds like a recipe for success to us!

They’re also very easy to start introducing into your diet and you can have all sorts of fun working out your favourite ways to eat them. If you’re looking for a healthy snack idea in the new year, what about making your own grazing pots?

Simply chop up some dried apricots and dates, then mix together with some raisins, dark chocolate chips, walnuts, almonds, goji berries and some mixed seeds for an unsurprisingly delicious, nutritious and fulfilling snack that you’ll never feel guilty for enjoying.

You might well hear goji berries referred to as wolfberries but rest assured, they’re the same product. They taste a little like a cranberry and not dissimilar to a raisin, if you’re not sure what to expect from your goji. Just eat them straight out of the packet or with some nuts for a bit of added crunch. 

They also work really well baked into healthy snack bars and mixed into energy balls, so you’ll always have a healthy treat in the fridge as and when you want one. Check out We Are So Vegan for an amazing raw apricot and ginger energy bar that you could easily throw your gojis into.

Or if you’d rather try them in a savoury dish, head over to the BBC website where you’ll find a lovely easy gluten-free tabbouleh with goji berries sprinkled throughout. The meal will apparently provide you with 9g of protein, 4g of fibre and 17g of fat (of which 3g saturated fat).

We’d love to hear if you have any favourite ways to enjoy your goji berries, so get in touch with your recipes and hot kitchen tips. And if you’ve just tried them for the first time, we’d love to hear what you thought of them. Looking forward to hearing from you!

If you want to find out more about our amazing range of products get in touch with Detox Trading – the number one superfood suppliers! 

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